Friday, February 10, 2017

Women In Horror-Izzy Lee

Being an obsessive Lovecraft fan, I take notice when someone does a new film adaptation of one of his works.

In 2015, Izzy Lee's "Innsmouth" blew me away.

Smart, complex and stunningly original, "Innsmouth" was a quasi-feminist take on one of my favorite tales, and completely turned my impression of what one can do within the short film format upside down. Superbly directed in an almost noir-ish style, it was one of the most impressive shorts I've ever reviewed. Ever.

It wasn't really a surprise that, when researching Lee's body of work, that she is a veteran director of no less than 10 short films, often doing 2 or 3 a year. That type of work ethic is rare in the often thankless, no return world of independent horror films, so just the volume is commendable, but damn, if all of her output is as impressive, she is certainly honing her craft to a razor sharp edge!

As a fan, and a critic of sorts, of horror cinema, I simply cannot wait to see more of this woman's work, past or future. And am I the only one who thinks she needs to work her macabre magic on a feature?

Check out anything she does, or has done, out. You won't be disappointed.

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